Federal Senator Perin Davey. Photo by Penny Bradfield AUSPIC/DPS
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Basin communities are up in arms after the Federal Government announced water buybacks would start as early as next week.
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The ‘Restoring Our Rivers: 2024 Selected Catchments’ open tender will seek to purchase up to 70 giglitres of water rights for the Murray-Darling Basin in NSW, Victoria and South Australia from July 15.
The document approving the start of the buybacks was signed by Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek on June 25 and came to light last week.
It has been met with ire from basin stakeholder groups and irrigators.
Chief among the objectors is Federal The Nationals Senator Perin Davey, who is lives in the Deniliquin area and is Shadow Minister for Water
And NSW Member for Murray Helen Dalton has launched a petition to try and stop the purchases, urging community members across the basin to gather as many signatures as they can.
National Irrigators Council CEO Zara Lowien has also taken a strong stance against the move, saying “by rushing into buybacks knowing all too well it will have the most negative impacts on communities and drive-up water prices, Minister Plibersek has played lip-service to Basin communities and the requirement to consider socio-economic impacts”.
Senator Davey said the government had repeatedly tried to downplay community concerns about the ‘Swiss cheese’ impact its open tender buybacks will have on irrigation networks which would drive up costs for those remaining.
But she said the release of the ACCC Murray-Darling Basin Rural Water Monitoring report 2022-23 has put the spotlight on the Albanese Government’s policies which are fuelling the cost of living crisis.
When asked about the impact of the Albanese Government’s water buybacks on water fees and charges paid by irrigators, ACCC Commissioner Mick Keogh said “they do have an impact.”
Senator Davey said it was “extraordinary” the Albanese Government will be conducting an open tender buyback for 70 gigalitres, yet can’t identify where the water will come from or for what purpose it will be used.
“The information released shows the Labor Government doesn’t know what communities will bear the brunt of this buyback tender,” Senator Davey said.
“The tender information clearly says there is no fixed volume to be recovered from each state, each catchment or each water right type.
“Meanwhile, Minister Plibersek signed a document claiming she has considered the social and economic impact of the tender on our communities – how can she say that when she doesn’t know which communities to assess?”
Senator Davey said the announcement will be a slap in the face to the numerous local governments from across the basin who were in Canberra this week for the Australian Local Government Association conference.
“I’ve met with councils from across the basin who are extremely concerned about what these open slather buybacks will do to their towns, businesses, and local environment,” Senator Davey said.
“(On Thursday) a motion was passed by councils from across Australia calling on the Albanese Government to reject open market buybacks and put communities at the heart of any water recovery plans because of the damage they will do to our towns.
“This is on the back of ACCC Commissioner Mick Keogh admitting that water buybacks increase prices paid by irrigators to access water, increasing the cost of food production.
“We have a minister responsible for water who couldn’t even be bothered to visit the basin and explain what the government’s plans for them are. Instead, the Minister issues a sanctimonious media release late on the last sitting day before the winter break.”
NSW Member for Murray Helen Dalton.
Senator Davey said the disrespect shown to communities and the failure of the Albanese government to take their concerns seriously will result in job losses and increases in the cost of food at a time when Australians are already struggling with the cost of living.
Ms Dalton’s petition asks the NSW Legislative Assembly to “call on the NSW Government to forbid any buybacks by the Commonwealth Government until a detailed and transparent report into the expected impact of any Commonwealth buybacks is conducted”.
Signature sheets can be downloaded and printed from the Helen Dalton MP Facebook page, and returned to her offices.
Hard copies of the petition have also been delivered to various businesses across the Murray electorate, or can be signed at any of Mrs Dalton’s offices.