The last night of Hook In2 Hockey for 2024 saw the players learning to tackle, among other things, before being celebrated for their hard work throughout the season.
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The youngest players enjoyed their favourite ‘What’s the Time, Mr Hockey’ and then learnt how to do flat stick tackles playing Hoctopus.
The older players warmed up with short passes in ‘Cut the Cake’, then formed teams for games of Zone Hockey.
Zone Hockey brought out the players’ best skills, requiring pushing, trapping, dribbling, slap hits, flat stick tackles, positioning and teamwork.
After all the hard work, players were presented with personalised certificates and cheered all of their coaches.
The good news for hockey lovers is that while term one has finished, term two starts straight away with mini-games from 4.15pm to 5.15pm every Thursday.
Junior and senior competition hockey starts on Saturday, April 20. Keep an eye on Benalla Hockey @Facebook for more information on training during the school holidays.
New players are always welcome. Please email if you are keen to try out or would like to return to hockey in Benalla.