Goorambat 3-2 6-4 13-10 19-15 129
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North Wangaratta 3-1 5-2 6-5 7-6 48
The seniors, like the reserves, got off to a slow start and were not as clean with the ball as North Wangaratta in the first quarter, with only the one-point lead going into the quarter-time break.
The second quarter was much the same as the first with both Jamie Dunne and Sully Malay getting plenty of the ball, along with Brush Haebich looking dangerous in front of goal.
The boys went into the half-time break with seven-point lead and got much-needed advice from the coach. They came out and played the way they should with winners all over the ground.
Ben Reaburn played another great game and was moved forward to give another option, with plenty of support from Travers Nolan and Lachie Boyle the boys had a very good win in the end.
Best players: Ben Reaburn (Peter Davis Rural), Jamie Dunne (Goorambat Railway Hotel), Lachie Boyle (Royal Hotel), Travers Nolan (Hollywoods Pizza), Dylan Beavis (Bill bo Pop) Sully Malay (St James Hotel).
Goals: Brush Haebich 7, Jamie Dunne 3, Sully Malay 2, Travers Nolan 2, Brayden Stepein, Lachie Boyle, Rhys Goodley, Rory Wapling, Bradey Purcell 1 each.
Bats 46, North Wangaratta 44
It was a hot day at North Wang and the game was fearlessly contested. Shooters Kylie Relf and Olivia Tolliday stood tall and positioned well all day against tough defenders.
Carli Brennan fed to the shooters beautifully and had great drives through the mid-court.
Defenders Maddie Thomas, Georgia Thomson, and Nikki Wallace worked hard to create turnovers against accurate shooters.
Mid-courters Piper Nally, Molly Doidge and Amelia Gall ran hard all day with great defensive pressure.
It was a neck-to-neck game, but the Bats came away with a two-goal win.
Awards: First Kylie Relf (Royal Hotel), second Carli Hogan (Jenny Milner Pharmacy), third Olivia Tolliday (Rambling Rose).
Goorambat 0-0 2-0 3-0 5-1 31
North Wangaratta 7-1 13-5 17-6 20-10 130
Goorambat reserves got off to a very slow start on Saturday against North Wangaratta, conceding seven unanswered goals in the first quarter, after coming off their first win the week before.
The standout player was Josh Heylbut, who was in everything from the start of the game, with both Josh Stacey and Henry Sadaya getting back to the form we are used to after the first break.
Congratulations to Jack Trevena for his 50th game and finishing with a much-needed goal in the last quarter.
Best players: Josh Stacey (Bouwmeesters Bakery), Josh Heylbut (Royal Hotel), Henry Sadaya (Subway), Matt Priest (Sportspower), Dallas Spencer (Macca’s Sharpening & Mowing Service).
Goals: Dylan Barber, Aiden Phillips, Jack Trevena, Henry Sadaya, Josh Stacey 1 each.
Goorambat 32, North Wangaratta 38
The Bats scored the first goal quickly and smoothly, and movement from Tiffany Kirkpatrick, Elise Nolan and Olivia Hayes was precise.
First quarter was goal for goal with defenders Fiona Doig and Maddi Thomas working tirelessly. However, accurate shooting for North Wang made for little error both ways. Amelia Gall was a good addition in the mid-court, creating great drives and feeding well into shooters. The final quarter was a tussle between the two teams, Alyssa Priest and Maddi Thomas had to work extra hard as they had three to four different shooters during the quarter to adjust to. It was a hard slog to the line as the batters attack couldn’t quite take the physical pressure that North Wang laid. However, Bats fought right to the end.
Awards: First Madeleine Thomas (Goorambat Railway Hotel), second Olivia Hayes (Hollywoods Pizza), third Amelia Gall (Terry White Pharmacy).
Bats 24, North Wang 47
The ladies have come far as a team, and are eager to improve and enjoy spending Saturday mornings together. Unfortunately, they didn’t bring a win home against a well-matched North Wang team. Natalie Sinclair played her first game in wing defence, where she was able to pick off a few possessions from turnovers. Abby Hammond played a fantastic game in wing attack where she brought grit and determination when bringing the ball down court, feeding well into our shooters Ella Woods and Emma Dowell.
Awards: Fist Abby Hammond (Di Diamond Cleaning) , second Natalie Sinclair (Madison Jane Hair), third Ella Woods (Maccas Sharpening & Mowing Services).
Bats 69, North Wang 28
With the Bats taking on the Hawks, the sun was shining, and it was starting to heat up. However, the heat didn’t stop Poppy Broomhall and Sophie Hammond from shooting 18 goals in the first quarter. With court flow improving every week, Matilda Hopkins, Molly Martin, Charli Button and Ella Parrant put pressure on the Hawks, who struggled to bring the ball down the court. As the Bats came away with a 16-goal lead at half-time, they all kept their cool and played a safe and smart game of netball throughout the rest of the game. All girls worked hard and came together as a team, and came away with a 41-point win.
Awards: First Eleanor Renkin (Hume Solar), second Sophie Hammond (Hume Solar), third Matilda Hopkins (Spot 4 Icecream).
Bats 4, North Wang 45
The under-15s all showed up at North Wang Recreation Reserve, ready to take on another game. Mid-courters Willow Hamill and Ella Hogan worked tirelessly throughout the game with shooters Pippa Martin and Yolanda Bourke to ensure the ball was brought down to the goal third for opportunity to score. Charli Levy had her first league netball game and showed incredible movement on the court. Amelia Keen, Amelia Feldtmann and Amali Mackenzie showed great teamwork, allowing them to progressively improve all game. Although North Wang had some tall players, all eight of the Bats girls made them work hard for the ball. The girls have improved immensely since first meeting as a group.
Awards: First: Willow Hamill (Hume Solar), second Charli Levy (Hume Solar), third Amelia Keen (Spot 4 Icecream).
Cadet Sports Journalist